Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Why do they hate?

I recently read a book by Brigitte Gabriel entitled, Because they Hate. I was completely taken in by her story and personal accounts of the war in Lebanon in the late 70's early 80's. She was a Christian girl living in the Middle East and watched as the Muslims forced them out, with violence and hate. Her story is compelling and incredible, moving and terrible, thought provoking and scary. The last two chapters, however became, what I believe to be right-wight talking points. She advocates for the complete erradication of the Islamic people. It is a simple case of beating them to the punch, they want us all to convert to Islam or die. I am paraphrasing, hopefully accurately, but the point is made.

This is a perfect metaphor for what the right does every day. I guess I can say that I am left-of-center. I am far from an intellectual, however I question just about everything because some things are just to hard to swallow, Kool-aid included. For the right, the republicans and ditto-heads, the only goal is to win. It doesn't matter about the facts, it doesn't matter about who is destroyed. Average americans pay heed, you will be destroyed by Michelle Malkin, L Rushbo and the rest if you differ from them. No debate, no conversation, just attack attack attack. Even if I agreed with their policies, I would oppose their tactics. I am now probably un-american now, because I disagree. Well, about 70 percent of the populous must be un-american. I am amazed that this country is still a country.

Sure, some on the left do it too, I agree. But how many of those have you seen on the main stream media? Indeed it is lop-sided. But what can you do? What can I do? I write this mostly for my own therapy because I am pretty sure that nobody reads this. So get out there and vote for someone who will propose legislation to change the electoral system - we need publicly funded campaigns, no more CORPORATE DONATIONS!


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