Saturday, July 29, 2006

Where have all the good times gone? Wake up Americans!

The cliche' question, but a necessary one these days. My good times consist of nostalgia and a glass or two of an alcoholic bevie. I am constantly asking questions about some of the events unfolding in front of me, yet I am surrounded by those who will not see or cannot see 2 feet in front of them.

In the early and middle part of the 20th century, Americans were driven by the duty, civic duty. Does anyone remember that term? I sure do! One's civic duty used to consist of a few things: jury duty, voting and taxes; three that come to mind immediately. Within the voting category was the sub-duty of actually RESEARCHING the candidates. For those of us who follow the news and listen to political talk, we know the issues of the day, yet the main stream media outlets are cramming "Rapture and Armageddon" stories down our throats.

Why isn't anyone asking why? In the midst of "World War Three", our congress is debating gay marriage and flag burning. If you ask 100 Americans, 5 in 20 different cities in all 50 states, I almost guarantee you that those issues will come in very far behind: Israel, Iraq, Healthcare, Gas Prices and maybe Stem Cell Research, maybe.

Where are Americans? Who have we become? Is there a doctor in the house? We need a large vat of cultural smelling salts to snap this country out of the coma it is in. I am not even referring directly to partisan politics. The Dems have a lot of catching up to do if they think they're going to make a difference in November. The Right has this election thing down, both legitimately and arguably illegitimately.

I am calling on everyone I know to spend just 20 minutes a day to delve deeper into what's going on and maybe by '08 we can start to wake up, smell the gangrene and amputate that part of us that died.


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