Friday, July 28, 2006

The USA has been Hijacked!

I have just finished watching Loose Change. You can see it here. This is a very disturbing documentary which convinced me to listen more closely to those nut-ball conspiracy theorists who claim that the U.S. Government was behind the 911 attacks. Well, to be honest fellow fatheads, this is about as close as you can get to the fire before your evil little cousin pushes you in laughing as you flap around and scream, desperately trying to stomp out the flames.

Billions upon billions of dollars, lost evidence, eye-witness accounts, statement retractions and conflicting stories make you wonder. Put partisan politics aside and focus on the science. You know, that discipline which eludes this administration. The hottest days in U.S. history: global warming is an attack from the left to incite fear. Stem Cell research is murder: using human tissue that was to be discarded anyway. The science, by George! Basic science poses questions or "problems". Solutions can be reached only after a hypothesis is formed.

The problems, cutting through all of the fat:

Who had the most to gain from 911?
Who had the resources to accomplish even the most intricate of operations?
What kind of person could perform such incredible acts upon his or her own people?
Why won't anyone ever ask any poignant questions?- history tells us.

I am ashamed, angry and ready to reclaim this great land.


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